Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Hello from the Windy City!

I got up at 3 a.m. this morning and left for the airport for a 6:00 flight to Chicago. With the time difference, we landed at 6:35; and I was downtown at the Sheraton Towers before 8. My training conference started at 8:30 a.m., and I had time to check into my hotel (thank goodness there was a room available before noon). I have been in training all day and attended a showcase reception before going out to dinner. The way I figure it, I have now been up for about 19 hours and have eaten two real meals and miscellaneous coffee and snacks. My body is totally whacked . . . I think I should go to bed soon.

I really like Chicago . . . I don't know why. I have come here countless times over my career on business. A couple of times I have come here for fun reasons, too. There is something cool about the place. For example, as I came up LaSalle this morning to the hotel in the airport shuttle, there was a police vehicle parked along side the street with the words "Scuba Unit" on the side of it. Pittsburgh has lots of waterways, but I have never seen a scuba unit in downtown Pittsburgh. What's up with that? When I'm here, I always expect Dick Tracy to come out of some building in his trench coat and hat or something. Chicago has its own personality with the El and the Miracle Mile and Navy Pier. The one thing I don't think I'd like to deal with is the traffic; I'm really spoiled in Pittsburgh.

Tomorrow is another long day, but I will be home tomorrow night. I wish I had a picture to share with you. How about this?

1 comment:

Emily said...

I told Cindy you were in her hood so she could send you some windy vibes...