Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Tribute to David!

Oma is not up to speed on little boys after all the girls in the family. But I have to admit that David is introducing me to a whole new world of clothes and toys and special times. At 4-1/2 months, his personality is really starting to emerge. And his ready smile always make me want to scoop him up and kiss those adorable cheeks.

If you are into Star Wars, David is R2D2 to Katy's C3PO. He kind of gurgles along making pleasant sounds and surprises you with his newest trick while Katy gets excited and talks a mile a minute. You kind of expect Luke Skywalker to stride in at any moment. But actually, the droids are enough entertainment without the rest of the cast.

When I was in Columbus last weekend, I recorded a short video of Katy and David that kind of illustrates my point. I think you'll enjoy this!

So come on, all you mommy's and oma's with little boys! Give me some pointers on the most fun toys and things that I can look forward to here! I am really terrible when it comes to balls and eye-hand coordination in the large motor area. (I play golf because it was the only game I could find where the ball lies still on the ground until you go hit it again.) Should I get David some golf clubs . . . or should I wait until he can stand up first? Men make fantastic pianists with their big, strong hands. Maybe Brian will share that toy chain saw I got at "Once Upon a Child" when Katy was little.

Give me some help here . . . you can see I'm struggling, can't you?


Jen said...

It's hard to remember what Jacob liked at that age (he's almost 6!), but I would say that cars and dinosaurs are a safe bet. And just wait until he grows into Legos...those are Jacob's favorite and have been for several years now.

Mimi said...

I started Jacob with a set of Lincoln Logs although David isn't quite ready for those yet. Almost every time I go over to his house we play LL or Legos. The Duplo/Mega Blocks sets are a good starting point for getting them to use their imaginations. Of course my favorites are books of all kinds.

Oma Froehle said...

Cars and trucks are good, but I will have to brush up on my dinosaurs. I forgot all their names after the test.

Legos and Lincoln Logs? I can do that. In fact, I think we got a wagon full of Mega Blocks at a garage sale. I bet they are in Emily's basement.