Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Sandbox Trip

Opa and Oma made a trip to Columbus this weekend to see the family. Of course, David is now one month old and needed to be visited Oma style to make sure he doesn't forget me after too long of an absence. BUT . . . Oma had another mission!

Katy's birthday is coming up on May 19, and being two is just very important. Since Katy loves to play outside in her yard, it seemed like the perfect time to add a sandbox to the growing collection of fun stuff inside the fence! After discussing this with Mom to make sure she and Dad had no objections, Oma and Opa went to Columbus with the express purpose of taking Katy shopping for a birthday sandbox. (You don't want to waste any warm days waiting for your birthday. Besides, there is no time to shop on the day of your party!)

On Saturday morning, Oma and Opa and Katy and Aunt Mel borrowed Katy's van keys from Dad and headed out for Toys 'R Us. We got good directions from Mom; but somehow all three of the grown-ups in the van completely missed seeing the Toys 'R Us on Morse Road. Before you know it, we were at Easton! Rather than go back looking for the Toys 'R Us store in the rain, we decided to check out the Walmart for sandboxes. Sure enough, the garden center had turtle sandboxes and four different COLORS of play sand. There was BLUE, PURPLE, PINK, and GREEN. Katy picked the pink sand, and we loaded up our cart and headed in to pay the nice lady for our stuff . . . which included a basket with some shovels and sand toys, too.

Opa loaded things into the van while Oma buckled Katy into the car seat. Off we went to Katy's house; and the rain stopped as we were driving . . . and the SUN came out! Great sandbox setup weather was ours! When we arrived at home, there was a lot of work to do to figure out where we could put the new sandbox. Everyone helped out with this part.

Once the location was decided and the sandbox was in place, we set to work to open up the bags of pink sand.

And then you have to pour all the sand into the sandbox.

After this Katy played.

And Katy and Oma and David and Aunt Mel played . . .

And even Opa took off his shoes and played!

We did lots of sand shoveling in the last two days. Of course, in between we found time to go out for lunch and to watch a couple "bideos" and to admire Dad's newly remodelled bathroom. We also talked to David. And Oma went shopping with Mommy and Aunt Mel (baby David came along, too). Shopping is a standard on most of Oma's trips to Columbus. I bought some awesome red patent leather shoes to jazz up all my black business attire. :-) But that is a story for another post.

I have a new CD from Great-Grandpa with more pictures from the Honor Flight. I also have some new pictures of cousin Gabe and his parents to blog with. Oma is in blogger heaven for the next few days.

Stay tuned for more excitement at Oma's Place! And have a great week!

1 comment:

Emily said...

It looks like Mommy is the only one who hasn't been in the sandbox yet. No excuses - as soon as this weather warms up, I'm in there!!