Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Gabe Post

Last week Gabe came to spend the day with Mom and Dad (alias Great-Grandpa and Great-Granny). His mom, Abby, dropped him off for a visit while she was visiting the hospital for the day . . . which is not much fun for a 19-month-old guy.

Gabe really liked all of Grandpa's toys! I guess he has a little bit of that McHenry fascination with things that have wheels and engines. This was just fine for Grandpa, who is always willing to take you a ride on his tractors big and small. This photo is obviously the small tractor. The picture on the Oliver is not as good because Gabe is looking at the controls instead of the camera. This picture will have to do.

Granny was the entertainment inside the house finding endless bowls and spoons and other items that instantly turn into toys in the hands of a small boy.

It sounded like EVERYBODY had a good time . . . and maybe everybody enjoyed a little nap in the afternoon. :-)

I am always glad to be able to report on all the little people in our family. Isn't he a cutie?

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