Sunday, January 06, 2008

The tree is down . . . and Happy Birthday, GRANNY!

The Christmas tree is down and the needles are swept up (compliments of Greg's new Shop Vac). I am in the middle of my unfavoritest job, summarizing the financies for 2007 and catching all the year-end statements as they arrive in time for income taxes. It is also time to survey the Christmas bills and figure out the changes to the budget for 2008. No wonder I get that SAD disease this time of year . . . this is why I'm NOT an accountant!

But on the bright side, I did want to share one of my favorite pictures from the Christmas holidays. This photo of Opa is one that Katy helped me take on Christmas Eve. The reason I love it is that the smile is great and the angle of the picture from Katy's eye-level view captures a great reminder of what we look like to toddlers down there in the 30-inches tall range. Isn't this great? Our heads are kind of small and our knees are our predominant feature. If you have toddlers, don't bother fixing your hair or buying a lot of make up. Just get really colorful SOCKS and put the fabrics with the most interest into pants and legwarmers!

The other thing I want to celebrate is that tomorrow, January 7, 2008, is my mom's birthday! While I already gave her a birthday present when I was home at Christmas time, I want to take this opportunity to let everyone know just how great it is to have both my parents still as part of my life! They are 83 years young and still providing that solid, Christian work ethic and strength that comes from living through the Great Depression and the second World War. I thank God especially for my mom tomorrow as we celebrate her birthday.

I love you, Mom!

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