Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Boring Blog Post . . . It's January!

I was thinking today that I have not posted anything for a while. Not much is happening . . . except Melanie came to visit over Martin Luther King weekend! That was nice, but it was sooooo cold. Maybe this snorkeling picture will remind me of warmer days. What do you think?

The other news is that Granny tripped over the feet of her sewing lamp and fell down on her face in the middle of the house on Sunday. She blackened both her eyes and nearly broke her nose. Dad sent pictures, and I haven't got the heart to post them because they just look too sore and painful. She is doing okay, but she is one tough lady to laugh about this one I'll tell you.

Yesterday I was rummaging through a drawer and found a brand new pair of long underwear pants that had never been worn. I must have purchased these on sale at the end of last year. Imagine my excitement that I had another pair for the rotation! Then I realized how pathetic that is.

We were chatting with the people in our home group last night, and everybody was complaining that they hadn't been to the gym or done any exercise since before the holidays. Of course, sunlight isn't exactly plentiful this time of year, so doing anything outside is sporadic at best. Greg and I took a walk tonight at 7 p.m. It was 24 degrees outside, and he thought I was crazy. The only other person walking was Louie's grandma and Louie. (Louis is a Chinese Pug that lives two plans over and takes his grandma, Barb, for walks.) Nobody else was getting serious activity points for their Weight Watchers diary. By golly, we earned THOSE two points!

I get excited about body lotion this time of year, too. We buy the 40 ounce size of Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion at Costco. Otherwise, you have dandruff . . . over your whole body. I have been thinking about getting my nails done, or maybe getting a pedicure. Then I realized that I couldn't put my shoes back on until my toenails were completely dry, and I decided I didn't want to spent that much time at the nail spa or salon. Besides, Greg is the only one who will see my feet for another three months. Somehow I don't think he will be impressed with nail polish.

On the cheerier side, it is great soup weather! If you like chili and vegetable soup and potato soup and crusty bread, this is your season. There are good things to eat in winter; most of them have cheese in them or on them. Salads don't seem so appealing. Wine and chocolates, yes!!

Just one more week of January, and we will have made it halfway to March. Then we can stop saying things like, "It's going to get all the way up to 30 degrees today!" I know we can do it!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

I'm jealous. You have 2 pair of long underwear!