Saturday, June 20, 2009

Working on the Porch and the Yard this week!

Mary and John have been getting the yard in shape and doing our mulch around the rain storms the last week or so. This was WONDERFUL for me because I have not had the time and energy to get around to it. Plus, Mary is a landscaper and does it better anyway. They finished up today and everything looks soooo beautiful!

In addition to the yard, the cushions on the rockers and the Papasan chair had been through two seasons; and they were not covered in outdoor fabric to begin with. They were looking pretty ragged, so I was watching Joann Fabric for some outdoor canvas to go on sale so I could recover everything. Last week, I hit the jackpot. I bought the fabric at 50 percent off; and I have been itching all week to get the new covers made.

After squeezing in 9 holes of golf this morning, I came back and started working on the new covers after lunch. Since I had made the covers once before, I simply took them off and used the OLD covers for the pattern to cut out the new ones. It went really fast, and I love the way they turned out! Those big pink and red geraniums on the green leafy background is bright and cheerful. It makes sitting on the porch even more relaxing.

Speaking of which, it's time for a glass of wine and a wonderful Saturday afternoon rock in the rocking chair out there. See ya'!


Greg said...

As usual, I see your husband is standing around while everyone else is working. Nice legs though.

Oma Froehle said...

Nice legs AND a great shirt! Flags of all nations!