Monday, February 18, 2008

Time in Columbus . . . Getting ready for David!

I spent the weekend in Columbus celebrating the approach of baby David's arrival. It was full of fun and family and friends. I did lots of shopping with the girls and even found an incredible place to get a massage when I was out walking in Clintonville. The pictures here are only a small sample of the fun that was to be had at the Hilton Inn at Easton where we gathered for lunch and festivities!

This picture is Katy's Great Grandma Martha Wilson, Aunt Melanie, Great Granny Ruth McHenry, Oma, Katy of course, and Mom Emily. We have a number of combinations of different family generations. It was great of Grandma Sue to take this picture for us and to bring the "Great's" over to be with us.

The next picture is Katy's Great Aunt Bonnie McHenry and Katy's cousin Abby Boyce and Abby's son Gabe Boyce, who is about four months younger than Katy. Gabe spent most of his time under the table while Katy circled around the outside. It was a pretty exciting party!

The rest of the weekend was spent enjoying the great shops at Easton Shopping Center, taking great walks in the mild weather, playing puzzles with Katy, sewing curtains for the guest room closet, reading books with Katy, browsing through Pier 1 and Bath and Body Works with Emily, listening to CD's with Katy and singing the songs, figuing out how to make the new curtains in Katy's big-girl room so she can take naps without the light coming in through the window, and making cereal and toast and scrambled eggs with Katy sitting on the counter. It was really a wonderful time.

It is just so much fun to be an Oma. You get to be amazed at how many new words a child can learn in two short weeks while you are gone. The adjectives become really important when Katy looks you straight in the eye and says "MORE cookie?" You don't have to make long, complex sentences to get your point across. Oma got it. :-)

Oma had a nice trip home and was really glad to see Opa after three days away. I will go back to work rested and refreshed after my fresh dose of Katy-ism. Happy Presidents' Day!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Glad you had a fun trip! Not much longer until you're an Oma to two! =)