Monday, February 16, 2009


Brian, Emily, Katy and David have been spending the weekend with us. We have had lots of fun! I have been too busy to take as many pictures as usual, but these two representations pretty much say it.

On Sunday night, mommy and daddy went out to dinner; and Katy and David stayed with Opa and Oma. Katy was singing with us at the kitchen table. She knows lots of new songs like "I've been Workin' on the Railroad" and "Frere Jacques." This video is priceless even if it's a little low volume. Turn up your speakers. It's worth it!

We also made a trip to the Children's Museum today! This was quite an experience since it is President's Day, and the place was pretty busy. Mister Rogers' area was neat, and so was the wood carver and tree stuff on the second floor. However, the waterplay area can't be beat. And even David got in on the act up there. He was standing on a stool splashing away with the best of them.

Finally, I don't have any pictures yet, but Stan and Abby and Gabe welcomed a new baby on Sunday evening weighing about 7 pounds, 10 ounces. His name is Nathaniel Ethan; and word has it he is just as handsome as his brother, Gabe. More information as we have it. Congratulations to the whole family.

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