Monday, January 19, 2009

Let's hear it for the Stillers!

I can't wait to see the cartoons of bulky steelmill workers raining destruction on twittering cardinals. And here is the Pittsburgh theme song for the next 2 weeks . . . and beyond! (It was also the closing song at church yesterday.)

The Superbowl Fever will be a fun time . . . even for a football curmudgeon like me! In 2006, the celebrations and rallies kept people's attention off the weather and the economy and other things for weeks. The winter goes faster this way. And the parades and fun after the Steelers won in 2006! Well, that was ALMOST as good as the Buckeyes beating Michigan after a competitive season. And some of my readers can probably relate to that! :-)

Here's a quick review of the week in Pittsburgh weather.

The temperature has not been above freezing for about 10 days to date. There was actually ICE on the Allegheny River.

My birds have been very hungry!

For the most part, we have been eating inside. The table on the deck hasn't been too inviting.

Let's hear it for cabin fever! My car is so dirty even the road grime has dirt on it. So, yeah, I'm willing to be distracted by happy people anticipating the Superbowl. Pass over the wings and the pizza rolls . . . .


Pam said...

I'm excited for you! It would have been great for an Eagles:Steelers match-up though wouldn't it.
We have cabin fever too - coming up with ways to entertain a toddler indoors for 3 days has been a challenge and a half!

Oma Froehle said...

Hey, Pam! You are right, the Eagles versus the Steelers would have been great! Especially since Greg's daughter will be here Superbowl weekend - and she is a die-hard EAGLES fan.

Is Danny making his entrance on January 30, then? Can wait to meet him!

Pam said...

Hi Kathy, was 30th, now 28th. At least I'll be home now to watch the Superbowl!!!
I'll be cheering for the Steelers as both you and my boss are big fans.
Have fun.