Monday, May 12, 2008

Tracey's Graduation - The Froehle Clan

This weekend was a special get together for Greg's family as they assembled in Louisville to celebrate Tracey's graduation from University of Louisville, Louis D. Brandeis School of Law. Tracey is Greg's niece. Her mom is Maria, who is the sister next in line after Greg.

Tracey said she has always wanted to be a lawyer, and she is especially interested in criminal law and being a trial lawyer. She would like to work as a public defender, but first she has to take the Bar Exam and pass it. And then she will see what happens. She has been working and going to law school in the evening for about 4 years; so this graduation represents a lot of work and sacrifice. The Convocation Exercise was held at the Brown Auditorium in downtown Louisville on Saturday afternoon, May 10. Here is my photo of Tracey receiving her hood. Too bad you can't hear the fans going wild right beside me . . . because we were all very proud and happy for her.

After the ceremony, we all wiggled our way out of the auditorium and onto the sidewalk . . . well, actually it was into the STREET, to take a few pictures. The next few photos are from that series.

Tracey Michelle Levering, J.D., Class of 2008. Big smile!

Uncle Greg with the new graduate!

Family Picture L-R: Me, Greg, Peggy, Sarah, Maria, Tracey, Teresa (back), Samantha, Niki, Deidre, Emma, Scott
After graduation, we went out to a neat restaurant where about 50 of Tracey's family and friends gathered for the party. We had a great dinner and lots of time to talk. The Froehle family got to see a lot of people that hadn't been together for a while. They really had a great time catching up with everyone. After that, Greg and I went back to Teresa's house to crash; we were tired from getting up early and driving from Pittsburgh to Louisville on Saturday morning. By the time things settled down and we got it bed, it was WAY past our bedtime anyway.

On Sunday morning, Scott and Niki brought eggs and spinach and mushrooms and cheese and bacon over to Teresa's house and made "omelets in a bag" for us. These are cool because you put a couple of eggs in a Ziploc sandwich bag and then let everyone put there own toppings in the bag and seal it and write their name on it. When you get a half dozen ready, you drop them in a pot of boiling water for 14 minutes and VOILA!!! You have a perfect, tender, wonderful, fat-free omelet that is absolutely yummy! Of course, we ate bacon and monster muffins from Costco with them just so they wouldn't be too healthy. And we washed it all down with OJ. Yum!

Teresa has a cat . . . I think it belongs to Deidre . . . named Amigo. He is quite playful and has many toys. One of them is a "cat cube" which was quite intriguing for Samantha and Emma who both tried it out to see if it was as much fun as Amigo seemed to think it was. But they soon got distracted . . . .

Samantha - age 7

Emma - age 4-1/2

Not long after brunch, the little nieces decided to entertain the adults with a talent show in the downstairs rec room. It started out to be just Samantha and Emma. But before long, grown-ups were being recruited for additional acts. The talents were endless . . . everything from tongue rolling to elbow-touching-behind-the-back to catching jars of Play-Doh with your teeth (almost).

Uncle Greg juggles the Play-Doh; this is BEFORE he tried to catch one with his teeth. The trick ended soon after this additional feature.

Samantha and Emma demonstrate the Hula Hooping.

Aunt Peggy can do amazing head-stands. She stayed in this position a long time and did the splits with her legs and everything. It was impressive.

Uncle Greg and the girls take their bows.

After the talent show, we played a round of Charades, and then Tracey and Scott hooked up the PlayStation to the TV and we started to play Dance, Dance Revolution. This was a lot of fun and a good workout as well. I must admit that I really liked the dancing game. Even though I didn't know very many of the songs, I have always liked moving to music. Even though we never made it past "Beginner," I think we got pretty good at this. We even continued to play after Peggy saved us from starvation by ordering some pizza. I honestly don't know when they actually turned off the TV. We played the DDR game for HOURS.

We got most of our good-bye hugs as people were leaving to go to Peggy and Tracey's house to sleep for the night, because we were leaving this morning (Monday) to come home. This one last picture is Deidre and Sarah sitting on the stairs as the last of the clan headed off to sleep. It had been a fun day.

Greg and I left Louisville about 9:15 this morning. We drove straight through except for a short stop at Wendy's on Stringtown Road on the outskirts of Columbus. Then we cranked it on home so I could make it to my Sojourner House Board Meeting this evening. The only eventful thing that happened was that a truck flipped a rock up onto the windshield and cracked it on the passenger side around Cambridge, Ohio. While Greg was driving, I pulled the insurance card out of the glove compartment and called the auto glass claim center to file the claim. I am supposed to stop at 8 in the morning to get the crack fixed on my way in to work. The insurance will pick it up. Doggone, that's good. If you have to need your insurance, this is about as painless as it gets. Thank you, Erie.

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